Monday, August 24, 2020

Faith and Evolution Essay Example for Free

Confidence and Evolution Essay Erik Easler Professor Pelphrey Writing Seminar October 27, 2011 Faith and Evolution In the Catholic Christian religion, the fundamental conviction is that Jesus of Nazareth was the child of God who was conceived of the Virgin Mary, became man, and kicked the bucket on the cross for all of man sorts sins. In any case, numerous individuals who are catholic Vatholic accept that God made the Earth six a huge number of years prior, a conviction alluded to as creationism. One specific gathering of Catholics Christans called Baptists, don't scrutinize the authority of the book of scriptures Bible and trust it in exactly the same words, and this is here I will in general oppose this idea. I was brought up a catholicCatholic, I despite everything accept with my entire existence that Jesus was in reality the child of God and put forth a valiant effort to follow the ethics instructed in the great book. With regards to what I put stock as far as how the Earth was made however, the hypothesis of development appears to sound good to me. With all the intelligent focuses that it makes, I have an inclination that it has more truth to it than the hypothesis of creationism, ; all things considered, it was not God who composed the bibleBible. Basically, I accept that you can keep on having aith for Jesus, God, and the ethical quality of the good book without accepting that each and every word is 100% precise. As it were, I trust it is feasible for a Catholic to at present be steadfast regardless of whether they additionally imagine that Darwins hypothesis is valid. The hypothesis of advancement was begun by a man named Charles Darwin. Darwin was conceived on February twelfth of 1809 in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. He was naturally introduced to a rich family that had numerous associations. His maternal granddad was china maker Josiah Wedgwood, while his fatherly granddad was Erasmus Darwin, who appened to be one of the main savvy people of eighteenth century England. Darwins starting arrangement was to seek after a clinical vocation at Edinburgh University, yet later changed to heavenliness at Cambridge. In 1831, Darwin Joined a journey on the overview transport HMS Beagle. During this timeframe, practically all Europeans put stock in the creationism conviction that the world was made by God in seven days as depicted in the bibleBible. On this journey, Darwin read a book called Principles of Geology which recommended that the fossils found in rocks were really proof of creatures that had lived a large number or a huge number of years back. Lyells contention was strengthened in Darwins own brain by the wide assortment of creature life and the numerous topographical highlights he saw during this outing. The discovery in Darwins thoughts went ahead the Galapagos Islands, which is around 500 miles west of the mainland of South America. While on these islands, Darwin saw that every island had its own type of finch, which were all firmly related yet varied in significant manners. This started numerous new thoughts in Darwins mind that in the end lead him to concocting a hypothesis that would change the manner in which we consider things. At the point when Darwin ventually returned to England in 1836, he worked interminably attempting to utilize his perceptions he had made to put the bits of the riddle together to find how species advanced. Intluenced by the works ot a man named Malthus, Darwin proposed his hypothesis of development through a procedure called regular choice. Regular determination essentially Just implies that creatures and plants most appropriate to their condition are the well on the way to endure and repeat, passing on the attributes which helped them make due to their posterity. Through this, new species create after some time. Darwin took a shot at this for around twenty years and made a Joint declaration with another naturalist named Alfred Wallace who had comparable thoughts regarding their revelation in 1858. After a year, Darwin distributed the book On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. This book at the time was amazingly questionable, on the grounds that it recommended that man had advanced from another creature, for example, a primate. Darwin was scrutinized by numerous individuals, particularly by the congregation, since his hypothesis had obliterated the overall conventionality on how the world was made. Nonetheless, Darwins thoughts later picked up money and have become the current conventionality. Significantly after his passing on April nineteenth of 1882, today his thoughts are ending up being exact. Numerous Catholics Christisns today despite everything have confidence in the strategies for creationism, however those that have confidence in creationism, regardless of whether they think about advancement, keep on accepting in any case since they trust it is a trial of their confidence from God. As a Catholic myself, I can completely understanding being conscious to God since I do my best each day to give him much obliged for what I have pretty much consistently here and there, shape, or structure. Be that as it may, in the edict Thou will not lie I am not impeccable in such manner, however I tail it the best I can. Through it I am continually hoping to look for reality, and keeping in mind that numbness itself isn't lying, it can even now delude along these lines. For instance, back in the renaissance long periods of logical persecution, numerous other incredible personalities of the time, similarly that Darwin was in his time, were assaulted by the congregation for conflicting with the Catholic conviction despite the fact that they had strong confirmation through their trials. Galileo for instance was assaulted by the congregation for accepting that our nearby planetary group was really heliocentric, rather than accepting the basic conviction that everything rotated the world over. In spite of the way that Galileo had confirmation of this through numerous trials, the congregation would not free itself up to the new thoughts all since one of the scriptural creators imagined that everything rotated around the Earth. For these men who were relatively revolutionary, it was never a matter of negating the congregation; it involved demonstrating what is valid. Maybe if more Catholics figured out how to be not so much resolved but rather more open about convictions, than I might suspect it is very conceivable that on the off chance that we had been progressively open back, at that point to various thoughts, we could be in an undeniably further developed mechanical present reality. Alongside not being very pen about new perspectives, the congregation alongside its creationist adherents additionally appears to overlook the realities that back up Darwins hypothesis. Five of the most basic of these focuses incorporate the all inclusive hereditary code, the fossil record, hereditary shared characteristics, normal attributes in undeveloped organisms, and bacterial protection from anti-toxins. While there are numerous other solid focuses that likewise back up the Theory of Evolution, these five summarize the vast majority of the recently expressed meaning of the hypothesis. Make certain to present who concocted this verification and what it involves. Basically, you should grapple with it. As per the widespread hereditary code All cells on Earth, from white platelets to straightforward microscopic organisms, all have a hereditary code that can be resolved (5 evidences). This implies if all life has a hereditary code that has an organization that can be resolved, at that point maybe all ot light did in respect slide trom basic parentage. Since Darwins hypothesis recommends that all life originated from a typical precursor, this point backs up what Darwin was attempting to state pleasantly. Alongside the all inclusive hereditary code, one should likewise think about the fossil record. This record expresses that the least difficult fossils will be found in the most established rocks. There is likewise a smooth and steady change starting with one type of life then onto the next (5 confirmations). This recommends since the easiest types of life were found in the most established rocks, at that point these straightforward types of life more likely than not been the main types of life which adjusted to their environmental factors after some time. This point alongside the last one additionally makes an excellent Showing of giving the Theory of Evolution some support. To proceed off of what the fossil record was expressing one additionally ought to think about hereditary shared characteristics. Hereditary shared characteristics consider that Human creatures share roughly 96% of qualities for all intents and purpose with chimpanzees, about 90% of enes in the same way as felines, 80% with bovines, 75% with mice, etc (5 verifications). While this doesn't really demonstrate that we plunged from chimps, it unquestionably implies that the species recorded all had a type of normal precursor before they normally formed into what they are today. This focuses further backs up Darwins thought that all life originated from a typical precursor. To stretch out off of the subject of hereditary commonalties, one should likewise consider a portion of the regular attributes that are found in undeveloped organisms. Normal qualities that are found recommend that Humans, hounds, snakes, fish, monkeys, and so forth re every single considered chordate since they have a place with the phylum Chordata. One of the highlights of this phylum is that, as incipient organisms, all these living things have gill cuts, tails, and explicit anatomical structures including the spine. For people specifically, the gill cuts change into the bones of the ear and Jaw at a later stage being developed (5 evidences). This says is that at first, all chordate incipient organisms appear to emphatically take after one another. Pigs for instance, which likewise originate from the phylum Chordata, are regularly dismembered in numerous science classes because of how comparable their incipient organisms are to people. What this additionally appears to deduce is that these normal qualities must be conceivable if all individuals from the Chordata phylum originated from a typical predecessor, which again fortifies Darwins thought. At last, the remainder of these five fundamental focuses is that one needs to consider how microscopic organisms after some time develop protections from anti-toxins. As per this point Bacteria states can just develop a protection from anti-infection agents through advancement. In each settlement of microbes, there are a little barely any people which are normally impervious to specific anti-microbials. This is because of the arbitrary idea of changes (5 focuses). At the point when an anti-toxin is applied, the underlying immunization slaughters the majority of the microbes, and abandons just a couple of cells which happen to have the transformations important to oppose the anti-microbials. At the point when these microscopic organisms duplicate, they go down their changes attributes and these

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Individual business report Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Singular business report - Coursework Example In such manner, the report expects to portray a powerful marketable strategy for Oblako to effectively build up its own autonomous carrier administration. The proposed strategy consolidates various viable advances and methodologies that can empower the association to set up its feasible situation in the serious business. The proposed arrangement plots significant points and destinations of the endeavor as for the present condition of the Ukrainian aircraft business industry. So as to encourage to accomplish the ideal points and destinations, the proposed arrangement additionally investigates the present business condition through the assistance of contender examination system. Besides, it additionally exhibits a viable promoting plan alongside lucid money related data that has been evaluated to help in setting up long haul manageability of Oblako Airlines in the Ukrainian aeronautics industry. Oblako Airlines (Oblako) has situated itself as one of the major new players in the serious carrier industry of Ukraine. The Ukrainian aircraft industry is driven by a rising serious pace as it is seen that there are various imperative contenders working in and around Ukraine which are from neighboring nations, for example, Belarus, Russia, Romania, Moldova, Czech Republic, Hungary and Poland. The opposition has raised because of the rising pattern of the socioeconomics particularly their expanding pay level. Consequently, it is profoundly fundamental for Oblako to execute a serious system to adapt to the rising pace in the Ukrainian aircraft industry. As far as legitimate structure of the endeavor, it will be an organization between two people wherein the hazard and benefit would be shared by them two. The proposed marketable strategy for Oblako would be exceptionally centered around building a solid brand position with the point of keeping up a serious valuing system. Additionally, giving most significant level of aircraft benefits alongside improving

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

How to Prepare For Your First Interview

How to Prepare For Your First InterviewYour first contact with a potential employer is always an interview. So your interview report should be full of useful information. It will save you both time and heartache in the long run.One of the most typical forms of interview report is the interview essay. It basically consist of opening statements, the main points, some examples of their work history, and closing remarks.There are sample interview essays for different purposes. But for any job-related essay, a good interview report starts with the opening statement. The opening statement will set the tone of the essay. Thus, it should be just right.For sample interview essays, the samples have been prepared and can be downloaded from several sources. But sometimes, they are not as detailed as the actual ones. That is why it is important to know how to get started with the sample essays.To prepare your opening statement, try to make it short paragraphs. Your reader won't have to strain the ir eyes reading the paragraphs. Besides, shorter sentences will give more time to put thought on the points and make a thorough research of the job application materials, which is needed when writing a good essay.Another good practice for writing an interview report is to draw a picture of the type of job the interviewer will be interviewing you for. Make sure you don't make assumptions. Make a vivid picture of the kind of work that is expected of you. The interview report will help in proving the right people hiring you for the job.Also, it will give you ideas on how to begin and end the sample essay. Here is where you can show a different side of yourself. You can use personal anecdotes and experiences in answering questions. Or, you can use examples and stories to summarize your main points and bring out the best in you.Another thing to remember while writing sample interview essays is to keep it simple. Don't go too deep. The main point should be clear, and each paragraph should build on that.

Friday, May 22, 2020

Economic Disparity Is The Economic Difference Between...

Economic disparity is the economic difference between people or countries. The reason why Walkabout relates to economic disparity is because it involves people from two different environments, lifestyles, culture, religion, economic classes, and education system, in comparison from Charleston, South Carolina and Australia the â€Å"Land Down Under†. Starting off with the reason why the setting of this book leads to the understanding of the gap between poor and the riches, The setting in Walkabout took place in 1971 in the middle of â€Å"The Sturt Desertâ€Å". The unnamed Aboriginal boy was born and raised in Australian while Peter and Mary was born and raised in South Carolina. South Carolina is a developed country, meaning advanced in infrastructure, industrialization, income per capita and standards of living. Also, Australia is similar to South Carolina but the habitat of â€Å"The Sturt Desertâ€Å" which has no resources for living beings to survive, instead this a rea was something new for the new arrivals â€Å"Here was something very different from the desert of the popular imagination; a flowering wilderness.† (Pg. 10). People aren t often getting the ability to travel because they cannot afford the money to buy tickets for their families depending on how much profit their country provide for each family plus taxes. The Australian desert seem to be as empty, strange, surreal, terrifying and unknown. 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Thursday, May 7, 2020

William Faulkner s A Rose For Emily - 1801 Words

William Faulkner is known for his many short stories, however, many has wondered what has influenced him in writing these stories. Like his well known, most famous short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, which has always been compared to â€Å"Barn Burning†, one of Faulkner’s other short story. It only make sense to compare them two together because these two stories has may similarities , whether it may be in setting , characters or style they favor each other . Nevertheless they also have many differences too, which make them even more interesting and unique. This paper is going to explore all those aspects including Faulkner’s past, to get a clear idea of how different yet similar these two stories are. Faulkner was born in new Alban, Mississippi but was raised in Oxford, Mississippi. Before his family moved to oxford and the American Civil War they were really wealthy before. Faulkner used oxford as the foundation for the imaginary town of Jerrferson in Yoknapatawpha Country. In Faulkner’s early writing he emulated the poetic styling of Edward Fitzgerald, A.E Housman, John Keats, and Algernon Swinburne. (Williams). William Faulkner has been known for imaging things before any other writer could of think of it. He had a tremendous eye for drama, tragedy, and refined humor in the history and people of the South. Faulkner’s short stories cover a lot of aspect of life in the south America including family dynamics , gender , social class ,war , racism , mentalShow MoreRelatedWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily951 Words   |  4 Pagesliterary Response to â€Å"A Rose for Emily† â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner was published in 1930. This short story is set in an old southern town. I believe that this and several other combinations of events are what made the main character Miss Emily go insane. Miss Emily was an old school southern woman trapped in a modernizing society. She tried desperately to keep to her old ways, but the changes that happened around her were inevitable. This made me feel like something was going to goRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1316 Words   |  6 Pagesminuscule detail in the writing. In order to fully enjoy William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily† readers must do the latter. Faulkner is a witty writer; some symbols are less obvious than others in his writing. To fully appreciate and obtain full meaning of the text readers must pay attention to his symbols and how they contribute to the greater theme. William Faulkner uses symbolization in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† to develop a theme of personal struggle. Emily faces many personal struggles: her relationship withRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1181 Words   |  5 Pages Is William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily iconic American literature? Faulkner uses setting, theme and plot to show the ways â€Å"A Rose for Emily† is an iconic American literature. Faulkner saw the Forum magazine with his short story he wrote, â€Å"A Rose for Emily† and found out that was his first national publication. The Mississippi Writers Page says, â€Å"The man himself never stood taller than five feet, six inches tall, but in the realm of American literature, William Faulkner is a giant† (MWP). Read MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1528 Words   |  7 Pagespoint of view is A Rose for Emily told? Why? In William Faulkner s short story A Rose for Emily the reader is given the account of an old woman who is rejected by society. The reader is acquainted with Miss Emily Grierson by a spectator, somebody who is not Miss Emily, but rather part of the town that rejects her. The storyteller has a somewhat omniscient perspective, knowing more than the normal town s individual, however not all that matters there is to think about Miss Emily. The storytellerRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily957 Words   |  4 PagesBereavement While a â€Å"Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† by Flannery O’Connor share the common themes of unexpected death and the old south, the murders found in each story are vastly different. Both stories tell of strong female protagonists who don’t cope well with change and both foreshadow death right from the beginning, but the murderers themselves come from completely different worlds. Emily Grierson of â€Å"A Rose for Emily and the grandmother in â€Å"ARead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily879 Words   |  4 Pagesare both similar due to how these emotions cause a human to act irrationally. The lone woman in A Rose for Emily and the cashier, Sammy, in A P both portrayed a greater sense of hate which overcame their love. We as humans, capable of powerful emotion typically act too quickly to even understand the consequences of our actions. One prime example is portrayed in William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily, Emily loved Homer tremendously, however he did not feel the same way †he liked men, and it was knownRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1682 Words   |  7 PagesLyons Professor Amy Green Writing about Literature COM1102 Oct. 06, 2015 William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily is a short story that has also been adapted into a short film; both have been largely debated. Faulkner’s lack of a normal chronology and situation-triggered memories generates a story that has many understandings among its readers, but surprises everyone at the end. When asked about the title of his story, Faulkner said, [The title] was an allegorical title; the meaning was, here was aRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily854 Words   |  4 Pages Literary Response to â€Å"A Rose for Emily† â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner was published in 1930. This short story is set in an old southern town. I believe that this and several other combinations of events are what made the main character Miss Emily go insane. Miss Emily was a old school southern woman trapped in a modernizing society. She tried desperately to try and keep to her old ways, but the changes were inevitable. This made me feel like something was going to go wrong very early inRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1810 Words   |  8 Pages William Faulkner is one amazing writing ,who is known for his many short stories .However, many has wondered what has influenced him in writing these stories . Like his well known, most famous short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, which has always been compared to â€Å"Barn Burning†, one of Faulkner’s other short story. It only make sense to compare them two together because these two stories has may similarities , whether it may be in setting , characters or style they favor each other . NeverthelessRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Of The Sky And A Rose For Emily1540 Words   |  7 Pagesgeneral has affected all societies in all time periods, and reading is more than just an everyday task. These two authors affected society in their time, with their reappraising stories: A Horseman In The Sky and A Rose For Emily. However, William Faulkner (author of A Rose For Emily) and Ambrose Bierce (author of A Horseman In The Sky) have different views and affects on so ciety by when the particular story was published, the use of figurative language, and different genres. Back in the time of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Differences in Nutritional Strategies among Cultures Free Essays

Different countries have different nutritional strategies including the procuring, selecting, preparing, preserving, cooking and consuming foods. The lifestyle varies from culture to culture. China has the most renowned food preparation and lifestyle. We will write a custom essay sample on Differences in Nutritional Strategies among Cultures or any similar topic only for you Order Now They have many different cuisines. Chinese are food oriented and health conscious. They choose and use many ingredients carefully for their food. They also believe that food is a great factor in one’s health that is why they serve and cook food according to one’s health condition, there should be a balance between fan (grains and starch foods) and tsa’i (meat and vegetables). In traditional Chinese dinner, a complete meal triangle with soup, vegetables, rice and meat were dish up. They want their food served or eaten while it is still hot. Mexican dishes has been the second most varied and vast in the world because of the intense flavors, colorful decorations, and spices of the cuisine. They have many festivals and celebrations that is why their food preparation seems like there is always a party. American standards of food are easy to make, convenient, and presentable. That is why many rely on fast food restaurants wherein the foods are quickly served. They don’t like putting much effort in preparing food. They also choose foods that look good and make them look good as well that is why many eat in expensive restaurants because it will make them look good. Beer has also been one of the favorite drinks in America. Our choice of food tells about our basic ethics and beliefs. The Chinese value their health and tradition in preparing foods, which could be the reason why they seem to have a longer life and healthy lifestyle than the Americans, who were mostly obese. Proper diet and nutrition is the key for a healthy lifestyle. How to cite Differences in Nutritional Strategies among Cultures, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Science Commerce

The debate on the impact commerce has on science have been ongoing for several years so far. Notably, Slaght and Pallant (2012) stress that businesses were not interested in science until a new trend in the society appeared. The new trends occurred due to the change in consumers’ demand.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Science Commerce specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More People have understood that scientific research may contribute to development of advanced products which may meet their needs. Clearly, contemporary consumers tend to pay attention on particular characteristics and possible uses of the product. They want to make sure that the product has been clinically checked. Companies willingly address their customers’ needs and this leads to quite a dangerous trend. Only particular products (and entire spheres) obtain investment while other spheres are stagnating. Slaght and Pallant (2012, 12) no te that companies focus on â€Å"short-term economic gains† as they need new products which meet customers’ expectations and are produced sooner than in other companies. Business competition contributes greatly to this process. It is noteworthy that this is not reflected in the sphere of science only as it is found in the educational system as well. Thus, students who work on commercially attractive products receive grants and get the opportunity to continue their research. At the same time, students working on projects in such spheres as environment or clinical research often fail to find proper investment and start working on more ‘profitable’ research. Therefore, researchers often blame businesses for their narrow interest. Scientists also argue that the government is responsible for providing proper investment to really beneficial projects which will have significant long-term benefits (Slaght Pallant 2012, 12). Admittedly, it is difficult to accuse b usiness for being focused on short-term gains as this is what they do. However, the government should address serious issues arising in the society and work on solutions. Therefore, it is responsibility of the government to invest into research.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Some researchers note that this is a vicious circle which cannot be overcome. Businesses have funds but want short-term benefits while the government addresses long-term gains but has scarce resources. Researchers are victims of this system and have to collaborate with commercial companies to have a job. However, there is a solution to the problem. In the first place, it is essential to make the government and local authorities to invest more into science. Besides, it is possible to affect commerce. These days, companies are trying to develop favourable images and claim they are socially and environmen tally responsible. It is possible to launch a wide promotional campaign to incorporate research into the image of a responsible business. Consumers should be aware of benefits of long-term benefits of projects and areas of research. Students, volunteers and officials have to promote these ideas. Clearly, the campaign will be time- and effort-consuming. Nonetheless, it has a great potential as environmental issues also attracted people’s (as well as businesses’) attention after a lasting debate. In conclusion, it is possible to note that commerce has a negative effect on development of science as lots of projects remain underfunded. The negative effect has been apparent on different levels (science, education). Nevertheless, the business can have a favourable impact on science. Thus, companies may be forced to invest into projects which will have long-term benefits as this will contribute to development of their favourable image and, as a result, will ensure their profi tability. Reference List Slaght, J Pallant, A 2012, Reading Writing, This essay on Science Commerce was written and submitted by user Parker Holder to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Reflection #2 Example

Reflection #2 Example Reflection #2 – Coursework Example Reflection no. 2 The Elements of Manifest Destiny in the Western Expansion of Documents An element of manifest destiny inwestern documents appears in countries where slave trade is rampant, like India. Angelina argues that the main places or where ideas of slavery manifests destiny of western documents include slavery on plantations that affects treatments of house servants who chiefly belong to first families in the city of Charleston affecting both fashionable and religious world. The elements of manifest destiny incorporate features of equality as a perfect and universal entity. According to Jacksons, provisions under the equality and universal articles develop in the operations of physical world and conscious law of the soul (1). In addition, the items documents as self-dictates of morality that accurately defines various duties and rights of an individual. In the document declaration of sentiments written by Elizabeth Cady Stanton, manifest destiny reveals when women movement wa s launched. Besides, manifest destiny also develops when men assume among people of the earth a different position away from the laws of nature and Gods entitled position. On the contrary, Angelina Grimke Weld argues that manifest destiny develops when she demonstrates the effects of subjective power on slave and mistress... According to Elizabeth and Angelina, manifest destiny develops when inequality reveals to men in taking different positions among people on earth and when human treated as slaves.Reflection no. 1Chloe Downs argues that manifest destiny of western documents reveals removing Native Americans from their country responses on the improvements of Indians to have failed (Jacksons 1). Chloe further argues that Indians were forced out of their homes and developed dangerous inequality developments. However, manifest destiny reveals when Indians were again provided with arms, clothing, and ammunition, in bringing equality again.Jacksons, Andrew. â€Å"Indian Removal Extra ct from Andrew Jackson’s Seventh Annual Message to Congress on Dec 7, 1835.† Pbs. 2001. web. April 8, 2015 from

Monday, March 2, 2020

Rumble in the Jungle

Rumble in the Jungle On October 30, 1974, boxing champions George Foreman and Muhammad Ali faced off in Kinshasa, Zaire in â€Å"the Rumble in the Jungle†, an epic match widely recognized as one of the most important sporting events in recent history. The venue, the politics of the two fighters, and the efforts of its promoter, Don King, made this heavy-weight championship into a fight over competing ideas of black identity and power. It was a multi-million dollar anti-colonial, anti-white dominance exhibition, and one of the grandest spectacles of Mobutu Sese Seko’s long reign in the Congo. The Pan-Africanist versus the All American The â€Å"Rumble in the Jungle† came about because Muhammad Ali, the former heavy-weight champion, wanted his title back. Ali opposed the American Vietnam War, which he saw as another manifestation of white oppression of other races. In 1967, he refused to serve in the US Army and was found guilty of draft evasion. In addition to being fined and jailed, he was stripped of his title and banned from boxing for three years. His stance, though, earned him the support of anti-colonialists world-wide, including in Africa. During Ali’s ban from boxing, a new champion emerged, George Foreman, who proudly waved the American flag at the Olympics. This was a time when many other African-American athletes were raising the black power salute, and white Americans saw Foreman as an example of powerful, but unthreatening black masculinity. Foreman supported America, because he himself had been lifted out of grinding poverty by governmental programs. But for many people of African descent, he was the white man’s black man. Black Power and Culture From the start the match was about Black Power in more ways than one. It was organized by Don King, an African-American sports promoter in an era when only white men managed and profited from sporting events. This match was the first of King’s spectacle prize fights, and he promised an unheard of $10-million-dollar prize purse.   King needed a wealthy host, and he found it in Mobutu Sese Seko, then leader of Zaire (now known as the Democratic Republic of the Congo). In addition to hosting the match, Mobutu brought in some of the most renowned black musicians in the world at that time to perform in a massive three-day party to coincide with the fight. But when George Foreman was injured in training, the match had to be postponed. All those musicians could not postpone their performances, though, so the concerts ended up being held five weeks before the fight itself, to the disappointment of many. Still the match and its fanfare were a clear statement about the value and beauty of black culture and identity. Why Zaire? According to Lewis Erenberg, Mobutu spent   $15 million dollars on the stadium alone. He got assistance, reportedly from Liberia, for the music concerts, but the total sum spent on the match is equal to at least $120 million dollars in 2014, and probably far more. What was Mobutu thinking in spending so much on a boxing match? Mobutu Sese Seko was known for his spectacles with which he asserted the power and wealth of Zaire, despite the fact that by the end of his rule, most Zairians were living in deep poverty. In 1974, though, this trend was not yet as evident. He had been in power for nine years, and during that time Zaire had witnessed economic growth. The country, after initial struggles, appeared to on the rise, and the Rumble in the Jungle was a party for Zairians as well as a massive marketing scheme to promote Zaire as a modern, exciting place to be. Celebrities like Barbara Streisand attended the match, and it brought the country international attention. The new stadium gleamed, and the match drew favorable attention. Colonial and Anti-Colonial Politics At the same time, the very title, coined by King, â€Å"the Rumble in the Jungle† reinforced images of Darkest Africa. Many Western viewers also saw the large images of Mobutu displayed at the match as signs of the cult of power and sycophantism they expected of African leadership. When Ali won the match in the 8th round, though, it was a victory for all those who had seen this as a match of white versus black, of establishment versus an anti-colonial new order. Zairians and many other former colonial subjects celebrated Ali’s victory and his vindication as the heavy weight champion of the world. Sources: Erenberg, Lewis A. â€Å"Rumble in the Jungle†: Muhammad Ali vs. George Foreman in the Age of Global Spectacle.Journal of Sport History  39, no. 1 (2012): 81-97.  Journal of Sport History 39.1 (Spring 2012) Van Reybrouck, David. Congo: The Epic History of a People. Translated by Sam Garrett. Harper Collins, 2010.   Ã‚   Williamson, Samuel. Seven Ways to Compute the Relative Value of a U.S. Dollar Amount, 1774 to present, MeasuringWorth,  2015.

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Job Design and Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Job Design and Description - Essay Example Job description and design are tools that are used in structuring an organization. In an organization, the first stride to acquiring the appropriate person with the required skills into the right position is to get the job right. In reference to Lussier, a good description and design of job supports a manager to effectively run the organization (242). Job description arises from job design. An organization’s management should clearly state the job description and design before embarking on recruitment. Each job should have various requirements or essentials. These inherent requirements are the responsibilities and chores that should be undertaken to get the job done. These requirements stipulate achievement of the result rather than how to achieve them. For instance, an employee is obliged to take minutes in meetings. In this case, it is essential for all employees to take minutes of all the meetings within the organization. Needless to say, it is also necessary to understand that not all the tasks in a job description are integral prerequisites. For instance, though making coffee is not an essential receptionist’s task, he or she may be required to make some coffee for guests. It almost goes without saying that the job design and description is the foundation for getting the best and brightest employees. Job Design The ability of an organization to succeed in its goals depends on how well it can identify the various activities that must occur and the quality of the individuals selected to perform them. It is the responsibility of the management to ensure that both activities and personnel are appropriate. By carefully analyzing the purpose, responsibilities and qualifications of each job, the selection process can be made more efficient and fruitful (Lussier 242). Lussier defines job design as â€Å"the process of laying out job responsibilities and duties and describing how they are to be performed† (242). Designing a job requires answeri ng such questions as â€Å"what activities are necessary to accomplish organizational goals?† Answering this simple question is apparently more complex than one might expect. It requires detailed information in order to be useful. The goal is to be as comprehensive as possible in listing the tasks. Being too brief or too broad creates more work later in the process (Lussier 243). For example, a task for a circulation service point position should be more than â€Å"check out materials.† Job design should consider organizational requirements, individual worker attributes, health, and safety. Job design is a broad concept that not only involves human relations but also job satisfaction, motivation and interpersonal issues. Organizations can best achieve their objectives by designing work that motivates workers to attain their full capability (Lussier 243). A deep understanding of job design requires an understanding of behavioral science, organizational behavior, psychol ogy, human resources management, economics, and operations management. The process by which jobs are designed includes three sub processes: job analysis, job description and job segmentation. These subprocesses are related and their relationship is very essential in job description. Long before recruiting and selecting employees begin, the organization needs to carry out an analysis (Lussier 243). This analysis consist of â€Å"observing and studying a job to determine its proper

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Psychosocial Interventions With Psychosis Essay

Psychosocial Interventions With Psychosis - Essay Example A wide array of nervous system stressors can result in a psychotic reaction both at organic as well as functional level. However, the first line treatment for psychosis is generally associated with the administration of antipsychotic drugs and in some cases hospitalization, but there is increasing research evidence that suggests cognitive therapy; family therapy can be effective in the management of psychotic symptoms. This paper critically reviews on psychological intervention with patients affected by serious and prolonged mental disorders and the strengths and weaknesses associated with such types of therapeutic interventions. Psychosis is a mental state defining a group of mental disorders come into one singe head in psychiatry and it is characterized by certain common fundamental factors such as hallucinations or sensation of non-existent objects or phenomenon; delusions or possessing beliefs not based on reality; thought insertion, withdrawal, thought blocking, thought broadcasting lack of insight or being unable to understand the wrongs in the thinking or activity patterns. However, there are number of controversies associated with the psychiatric classification of psychosis, but usually the most common disorders come under the general title of psychoses are as follows: - Schizophrenia - Schizoaffective disorder - Maniac Depression (Bipolar Disorder) - Mania - Delusion (Paranoid) Disorder - Psychotic Depression Although these disorders differ in their symptoms but they consist of a common parameter that the individual suffering from any of the disease does not experience reality as most of the other people in general. Sample Case Study The patient is a female of 18 years doing graduation in a co-education college. She was brought to the clinic by her mother and sister for lack of sleep, verbal and physical aggressiveness, suspicion that the male faculty members in her college are writing love letters to her and making obscene gestures during the lecture and the fear of becoming a male. She had the habit of peeping into the bathroom when her mother takes bath. Sometimes she blamed her mother of appearing nude before her. Her elder sister and elder brother had innocuous relationship. She did not have any intimate relationship with the member of the same sex. The family disapproved of her friendship with boys of questionable character. Therapeutic Strategies Suggested The patient mentioned in the case study is suffering from paranoid schizophrenia. In the initial phase of the treatment, she was suggested to undergo neuroleptic pharmacotherapy especially antipsychotic drugs. The medication has been found to be effectual in treating the 'positive symptoms' of the disease, the treatment of 'negative symptoms' has not very yet found to be very successful. Later on she was suggested to undergo psychotherapeutic interventions like reality-oriented individual therapy so that she could be able to cope up with stressful thoughts and events encountered which eventually reduce the risk for relapse, cognitive-behavioural approach helps in monitoring and changing the negative patterns of thoughts and behaviours in ways to make her able to regulate irrational thoughts

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Genetic Engineering: DNA Testing and Social Control :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

DNA Testing and Social Control    Pragmatism is the name of the game when it comes to taking away freedom. The public tends to be against any attempt to curtail civil liberties across the board. It is standard practice, however, to for the government to violate the rights of certain groups in the name of public safety or to fight crime. This is what is happening with the government collection of DNA samples.    The state of New York announced on August 5 that it intends to collect DNA samples from every person in prison, on parole, or in probation in that state for one of a specified list of crimes. Included on this list are murder, sex crimes, drug dealing, and some drug offenses. The samples will be digitized and placed on state computers. Once this database has been establish, police will be able to search it in order to find a match with evidence found at crime scene.    New York is not alone in doing this. All 50 states maintain a DNA database of some type. Mostly though it is only individuals convicted of sex crimes that have their records stored. Eight states sample DNA at a level comparable to the New York proposal. In Louisiana the police actually take and keep DNA samples from any person that they arrest.    Proponents of expanding the use of DNA tests in the legal arena like to point out that these tests will exonerate truly innocent individuals. DNA tests have exonerated some wrongly imprisoned people but it is disingenuous to think this is the real reason for growing use of DNA tests. The real reason for all of this is, of course, to help prosecutors obtain more convictions. It is thus worth keeping in mind that the criminal justice system currently reflects deep class and race biases. Journalist and attorney David Cole argues persuasively in his recently published book No Equal Justice that this is no accident. Rather law enforcement, the legal system, and the prison system operate in a way that insures the disproportionate imprisonment of poor people and people of color. If the government only conducts DNA tests of people convicted of crimes, it will fortify and expand this already unfair process.    Of course one possible way to blunt these biases is to take DNA samples from absolutely everybody. This might seem Orwellian but there is a certain logic to it.

Friday, January 17, 2020

Course work 3: communication plan Essay

Introduction It is extremely important to understand that companies around the world communicate with the world outside their realm in some capacity and these companies also have to communicate with forces and people within the companies as well. Fundamentally, what we are trying to say here is that just like people companies also want to talk to other companies and the public at large and the firms want to know what their general perception is in the minds of the people especially those who are considered their costumer base. A beginning point has to be related to what the company wants to achieve out of the communication plan or the talk between the company and outside stakeholders and other components of the society. This will depend on the vision and mission statement of the company. For example the case in point is the retail organization that is about to launch a new range of clothing line designed by a super model; now the mission statement must be such that it highlights what the company stands for and in very precise words readers should clearly know what are the believes of the company. An example of a mission statement for the retail store is: â€Å" We deliver high quality products for our customers; the product lines are trendy and hip this idealogy gives us the freedom to experiment with futuristic designs and ideas. We assure our customers style with sense. † (MissionStatements. com, n. d. ) The vision of a company like the retail firm is like a dream or a stretched mission which might be achieved or which the company envisages for the future so that it could become a great company. The vision leads to the mission statement and then we have the objectives and goals of the company which are followed by the development of strategy. The whole plan of how the company will communicate with the outside world begins with the vision and mission statement. Communication in the Business World Communication is a way of transmitting messages from the sender to the receiver. In a typical business setting senders use a particular medium to send the message which is ultimately received by the receiver. There is a possibility that the message might go through noise and other disturbances before getting to the final destination. In certain cases the communication process is impacted by noise because of the medium chosen by the sender. For internal business purposes i. e. within the organziation the people of the firm might use media such as oral or written but the selection depends on a number of important factors such as the length of the message, importance and legal signficance of the message and other factor such as the trust level between two employees who are communicating. All these and other factors play a critical role in determining which kind of media will be used. (Gelder, 2005) Just like the process that has been described for internal communication within the organization we see that firms talk to outside stakeholders and members of society as well. The communication with the outside public is many ways a reflection of how the firm’s staff communicate within their own company. This is because the culture of any organization greatly impacts its mind set towards how it will communicate with the outside world. The critical thing here is that firms believe in their way of doing things and therefore the communication plans are more or less known to be based on existing values and culture of the company. Therefore if the issues related to communication plans have to be discussed one must look at the way the culture of the organization is organized and how does the company communicate internally. Retail Organizations and Branding Retail firms are directly involved with costumers unlike manufacturing companies therefore retailers can have a greater impact on how to measure the performance of their advertisement and other promotional material that are directed at consumers. Branding is a crucial aspect when we talk about a high-end product line designed by a top model. One of the most common practices in the retail industry is that when superstars or super models launch product lines designed by them they tend to give their own name to these product lines. The advantages to such an approach include: instant recognition for the brand, people relate to the brand just like they relate to the artist or model, consumer base relates all the qualities and traits of the super model to the product lines. For instance if the super model that designed the clothing line is someone like Gisele Bundchen then people will attach traits such as funky, sexy, classy and trendy with the product line. (Keller, Lewi, 2008) Such a strategy has been successful for many brands such as JLO (Jennifer Lopez’s product line) and therefore we suggest such a strategy for the retail organization as well since we feel that it is important to distinguish this topline brand from the other offerings of the company. Some of the problems that might be faced when using such an approach is that the brand might loose that sense of innovation and style. Even though it is designed by a top model but that does not necessarily means that it would be of the highest quality therefore it is extremely important to maintain the quality of the product because ultimately that would be the deciding factor in repeat purchases or that urge in customers to come back next season and see the new collection. This product line must be branded based on some distinguishing feature. This is important as it will allow people to know what to expect from the product and what they will get from the product. All great brands have a tendency of focusing on one important factor for example when Google became successful it was only a search engine with no other prominent services; similarly Rolex is known for great watches which are for occassions and great moments in ones life because they are special watches (quality, life, style etc) Essentially the point is that the new product line must be distinguished on the lines of being cool, hip and trendy and absolutely new from all previous brands. The product line should be advertised in such a way that it seems as if it is the new cool thing in the clothing and lifestyle industry. Just look at how Levi’s was made a cultural icon for teenagers in a similar sense this brand should be advertised in a such a way toward rich and ambitious youngsters that it becomes a part of there daily lifestyle. Before any major advertisment campaign could begin it must be ensured that the target market is identified and the company decides whether the upper class or the middle class or even both will be targeted by this product line. Will there be differntiated product lines for both segments? We suggest that should not take place because it will confuse the brand concept; the diversification can be done later when the brand name is established with one target market. Once the target market has been decided upon the firm needs to plan the promotional strategy accordingly; the pricing strategy should also complement the promotional stand and the distrubution strategy should complete the project in such a way that the target audience receive maximum expousre to the product line.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Short Story - 788 Words

When Ryder turned his attention onto her, she did the same. Her dark hues started into his own. After all it was the right thing to do. She was taught that when someone spoke to you, you looked at them and give them your undivided attention. Especially when that person happens to be your boss. Of all the things she learned from the world before this, this had to have been the most simple of things, yet she still felt the urge to do it. Hearing him speak, her head would nod some. â€Å"Everything’s running smoothly, No problems to report, sir.† She spoke in an honest voice. There was honestly nothing going on with the power or water, which surprised her, since she got it up and running the damn things have given her problems almost every day.†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"I remember taking those from you, Didn’t I take them from you?† She questioned her. Her head tilting off to the side. Could she really be the only one bothered by the fact someone allowed her a prisoner to take the weapons in with her. Her brow rose as she turned to look towards Ryder and Eric. Yep, she was the others didn’t seem bothered by it. Taking in a deep breath, She rolled her eyes, she couldn’t really blame them. Not with how many more people seemed to be showing up. On top of that,Ryder could take care of himself if things got out of hand. Not to mention he now had Eric, Cain and herself standing in the room. If Zinda tried to do anything, anything to harm Ryder they wouldn’t allow it. So there wasn’t really any need to worry about it. â€Å"Yeah she offered use supplies yes, but that was only after the barn caught on fire. Because someone decided she wanted to jump from the roof to the old ass barn that was falling apart. I’m not even sure how the damn thing caught on fire. It was still burning when we left to come back to camp.† She stated hones tly, with a slight shake of the head. If Zinda was going to try and make it out like they did something bad that wasn’t for the good of the group, she wasn’t going to allow it. Neither herself or anyone else on the run did anything wrong. She rolled her eyes and turned her gaze back towards Zinda. Nodding her head, she agreed to what Eric was saying. â€Å"It’s true she did have a gun pointed at my head.† SheShow MoreRelatedshort story1018 Words   |  5 Pagesï » ¿Short Stories:  Ã‚  Characteristics †¢Short  - Can usually be read in one sitting. †¢Concise:  Ã‚  Information offered in the story is relevant to the tale being told.  Ã‚  This is unlike a novel, where the story can diverge from the main plot †¢Usually tries to leave behind a  single impression  or effect.  Ã‚  Usually, though not always built around one character, place, idea, or act. †¢Because they are concise, writers depend on the reader bringing  personal experiences  and  prior knowledge  to the story. Four MajorRead MoreThe Short Stories Ideas For Writing A Short Story Essay1097 Words   |  5 Pageswriting a short story. Many a time, writers run out of these short story ideas upon exhausting their sources of short story ideas. If you are one of these writers, who have run out of short story ideas, and the deadline you have for coming up with a short story is running out, the short story writing prompts below will surely help you. Additionally, if you are being tormented by the blank Microsoft Word document staring at you because you are not able to come up with the best short story idea, youRead MoreShort Story1804 Words   |  8 PagesShort story: Definition and History. A  short story  like any other term does not have only one definition, it has many definitions, but all of them are similar in a general idea. According to The World Book Encyclopedia (1994, Vol. 12, L-354), â€Å"the short story is a short work of fiction that usually centers around a single incident. Because of its shorter length, the characters and situations are fewer and less complicated than those of a novel.† In the Cambridge Advanced Learner’s DictionaryRead MoreShort Stories648 Words   |  3 Pageswhat the title to the short story is. The short story theme I am going conduct on is â€Å"The Secret Life of Walter Mitty’ by James Thurber (1973). In this short story the literary elements being used is plot and symbols and the theme being full of distractions and disruption. The narrator is giving a third person point of view in sharing the thoughts of the characters. Walter Mitty the daydreamer is very humorous in the different plots of his dr ifting off. In the start of the story the plot, symbols,Read MoreShort Stories1125 Words   |  5 PagesThe themes of short stories are often relevant to real life? To what extent do you agree with this view? 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And with thatRead MoreShort Story Essay1294 Words   |  6 PagesA short story concentrates on creating a single dynamic effect and is limited in character and situation. It is a language of maximum yet economical effect. Every word must do a job, sometimes several jobs. Short stories are filled with numerous language and sound devices. These language and sound devices create a stronger image of the scenario or the characters within the text, which contribute to the overall pre-designed effect.As it is shown in the metaphor lipstick bleeding gently in CinnamonRead MoreRacism in the Short Stor ies1837 Words   |  7 PagesOften we read stories that tell stories of mixing the grouping may not always be what is legal or what people consider moral at the time. The things that you can learn from someone who is not like you is amazing if people took the time to consider this before judging someone the world as we know it would be a completely different place. The notion to overlook someone because they are not the same race, gender, creed, religion seems to be the way of the world for a long time. Racism is so prevalentRead MoreThe Idol Short Story1728 Words   |  7 PagesThe short stories â€Å"The Idol† by Adolfo Bioy Casares and â€Å"Axolotl† by Julio Cortà ¡zar address the notion of obsession, and the resulting harm that can come from it. Like all addictions, obsession makes one feel overwhelmed, as a single thought comes to continuously intruding our mind, causing the individual to not be able to ignore these thoughts. In â€Å"Axolotl†, the narr ator is drawn upon the axolotls at the Jardin des Plantes aquarium and his fascination towards the axolotls becomes an obsession. InRead MoreGothic Short Story1447 Words   |  6 Pages The End. In the short story, â€Å"Emma Barrett,† the reader follows a search party group searching for a missing girl named Emma deep in a forest in Oregon. The story follows through first person narration by a group member named Holden. This story would be considered a gothic short story because of its use of setting, theme, symbolism, and literary devices used to portray the horror of a missing six-year-old girl. Plot is the literal chronological development of the story, the sequence of events